Important Dates
Workshop paper submission deadline: May 31, 2024 (AoE); June 10, 2024 (AoE);
Notifications to authors: June 21, 2024 (AoE);
“Camera-ready” deadline: June 25, 2024 (AoE);
Special issue manuscripts submission deadline: September 30, 2024;
In an increasingly interconnected world, the aesthetics of connectivity have a profound impact on how we interact with data, AI, and the products and services built upon them. This workshop aims to explore innovative approaches, methodologies, and technologies that take connectivity into design considerations to further enhance the role of aesthetics in empowering individuals. By delving into the aesthetical qualities of connectivity, we seek to foster discussions and collaborations among researchers, practitioners, designers, artists, and industry professionals. This workshop will provide a platform for sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and exploring new and emerging trends in this exciting area.
To effectively implement prior approaches and fully leverage the value that aesthetical qualities of connectivity to empower, research papers on (but are not limited to) the following topics are of mutual interest to this workshop:
- Discussions on aesthetics of connectivity for empowerment in HCI;
- Sharing cases on aesthetics of connectivity for empowerment in practice;
- Examine where aesthetics of connectivity can and where they cannot empower;
- Identify potential research directions, methodologies, and design strategies for future investigations;
- Sharing knowledge on generalizing aesthetics of connectivity to empower other scenarios.
Workshop participants are invited to first submit a full research paper related to “connectivity, aesthetics and empowerment” for a peer review process. Submissions should be at most 8 pages in length, excluding references, in ACM Master Article Submission Templates. The workshop organizers will recruit two external reviewers and one meta-reviewer to review each submitted paper. Accepted papers will be scheduled for presentations and discussion at the workshop. All accepted papers (15 papers) will be published via the ACM digital library or All accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version (with 50% or more content) for a special issue on Aesthetics and Empowerment in the International Journal of Arts and Technology. More information on the special issue on “Aesthetics and Empowerment”: click here.
Authors can submit their manuscripts online through the EasyChair conference submission system (
All submissions should be written in English, and should be anonymized. Submissions should contain sufficient detail, including key concepts and innovations of the completed work. Submissions should be no more than eight pages, excluding references and appendices, and accepted papers will be invited to share live on the day of the workshop.
It is important that your submission is formatted correctly. Incorrectly formatted submissions might be rejected. Online guidance is available from the ACM:
All paper submissions should be formatted using the templates described on this webpage, so please read the instructions here:
The ACM workflow requests authors to produce final publications (PDF and HTML5) by themselves using TAPS.
Papers must be submitted in PDF. Authors should prepare their manuscript in the designated single-column format in PDF using LaTeX or Word.
LaTeX users should use \documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}. For an anonymous submission use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} to automatically replace the authors for “ANONYMOUS AUTHOR(S)”. The authors then submit the PDF and the source files via EasyChair.
Reviewers will review the papers in the single-column format. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a paper relative to its length. Redundant or verbose writing is strongly discouraged.
Upon conditional acceptance of an article, authors revise the manuscript and submit publication-ready source files to EasyChair. Further instructions are presented on the Publication-ready Author Instructions page.